Out Puzzle Pain

A concise online training to debunk myths, embrace current research, replace fear with actionable solutions & Out Puzzle Pain

On Demand Course - Coming Soon

Pain is an illusion

But your experience of it is real

Pain is no stranger to me

I lived with chronic back pain for almost a decade & had my fair share of injuries as a professional dancer

I have spent an unthinkable amount of money trying to solve and heal these ailments

Let alone unquantifiable loses like quality of life and confidence

I didn’t understand what was causing it

Or how to get out of it

No one was able to help me

I lived in fear of pain 

Now, I no longer fear it

I am a Functional Anatomy Educator, Level 5 Sports Manual Therapist & Yoga Teacher

All this means is, I work with people who are currently in, or avoiding getting into pain Every.Single.Day

It’s true; pain is hugely complex and there is no magic solution BUT and this is a big but, once you understand that…

All pain is created in the brain, but not all pain is created equal

Pain is a teacher, trying to teach you a lesson

There are evidence based practices you can do for each type of pain

It gets a whole lot less scary

We may not realise it, but pain is a defining factor in how we navigate our lives

Many of the decisions we make on a day to day basis, are governed by our experience of, and relationship to pain 

Whether we are avoiding getting into it, or trying to get out of it, managing or staying out of pain, dictates our lives

& the thing is, most of what we think we know about pain is vastly wrong

There is nothing more disempowering than experiencing pain, chronic or acute, and not understanding what is going on

Worrying about where it is coming from, how long it’s going to last, what caused it, how to ease your symptoms and who to turn to for help

Maybe you’ve tried everything and some things work for a while, but nothing lasts

You’ve heard that pain is created in the brain and wonder if there is a deeper issue at play

Dr Google is riddled with conflicting answers and every yoga teacher or therapist can only suggest you ‘take it easy’

Pain is hugely complex

Until you learn that it is simply a teacher

Now imagine you’re able to listen to the teachings of this pain and distinguish where it is coming from, what might be causing it and how to ease your symptoms

You know who exactly to go to for help, or better yet, how you can help yourself

You understand your nervous system and how your own psychology and beliefs dictate how you experience pain

You can’t help but feel calm and empowered when you better understand your body & no longer fear pain

Out Puzzle Pain is a concise, comprehensive online training, built on 3 solid pillars

Myth Busting

So much of what we’ve learnt about pain is vastly wrong and it is holding us back from healing

There is no such thing as a pain receptor - All pain is created in the brain

Tissue damage does not equal pain - Case study : how one man experienced absolutely no pain with a tool through his neck

We do not heal through rest - In fact, this could be doing more harm than good

Current Education

Replace old myths with current research to better understand pain

Realise that pain is a teacher - Learn how to distinguish the different types of pain, which tissue type it comes from, and the lesson they are teaching you

Understand the complex workings of your mind - How the body keeps the score and your emotional state dictates your experience of pain

Chronic VS acute - How to they differ and what can perpetuate the problem

Actionable Solutions

Transcend from problem based, to solution based to help yourself and others out of pain

Not all pain is the same - Each pain teacher requires a different approach

You don’t need to fear pain - Understand there is so much you can personally do before seeing a professional

Hack your nervous system - Learn how to work with your nervous system to reduce pain & increase confidence

Out Puzzle Pain is for you if

You Fear Pain

There is nothing more disempowering than putting your own well being into someone else’s hands, because you don’t know any better

Maybe you’re hypermobile, riddled with injuries or just want to get to the bottom of that niggle that perpetually returns, no matter what you do

Pain is an inevitable part of life. But it needn’t be feared

Because understanding what generates your pain, and its purpose, is half the battle

Imagine knowing that when that niggle rears its head again, you will have the tools to know where it’s coming from, listen to what it is teaching you, and know how best to treat it

You understand your body. You feel empowered. You can get back on with your life as normal

You don’t fear pain

You Treat Pain

Manual therapists, we didn’t accidentally fall into this type of work

Within every therapist, there is a strong, innate desire to help people and be of service

Almost every client we see is coming to us because of pain

Not only is it disheartening when we can’t find the solution, even with the best intentions, it also affects our reputation

Understanding pain was the biggest game changer in my treatment protocol and client results 

Better results meant a better reputation

And a better reputation meant a fully booked treatment calendar

…with basically no marketing

You’re A Teacher

We’ve all been there. You do your due diligence and ask the class if there are any injuries.

Sometimes we’re in the clear, but not today. Someone pops their hand up and you go over to learn more

You’re not trying to diagnose them, you just wish you had something better to offer than

‘Just take it easy’

When you understand pain, only a few brief questions to better understand their experience goes a long way

With this you can quite confidently support your student, suggesting what to avoid, but more importantly what might actually help

Now you’re the informative teacher that made the practice accessible and inclusive again

What’s Included

Out Puzzle Pain is a 2hour online training covering 4 modules

What Is Pain

Myth Busting

Current Education

Actionable Solutions

On Demand training coming soon. Sign up to be the first to know